Section outline

  • Highlighted

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    • Monday September 2nd - NO SCHOOL - LABOR DAY

    • Tuesday September 3rd ("flex day") -

      1. Period 1/2 Test Review
      2. MyAP Multiple Choice Grade Bump due tonight by midnight
      3. Share/discuss Period 3 HW Slides
      4. Period 3 Part 1 HW due Thursday
      5. Mercantilism Review
    • Wednesday September 4th (Back to School Night - Minimum Day) -

      1. Period 3 Lesson 1 - The Duel for North America
      2. Period 3 Part 1 HW due tomorrow
    • Thursday September 6th -

      1. Period 3 Part 1 HW due
      2. Finish Period 3 Lesson 1
      3. Start Period 3 Lesson 2 - The Last Word
    • Friday September 7th - 

      1. Finish Period 3 Lesson 2 - The Last Word
      2. Work on Period 3 Part 2 HW
    • This forum was created to encourage meaningful dialogue among the students enrolled in my APUSH classes.  If you are struggling with some concepts pertaining to this unit  you may use this forum to ask questions.  Other students are encouraged to respond.  Keep in mind that I will be monitoring all the forum discussions so keep the discussions classroom appropriate and related to current topics please.