Section outline

  • Class Resources

  • Monday:  Welcome back, review rules and binder, HW - none

    Tuesday:  Ch. 5 Lesson 1 notes, Ch. 5 vocabulary puzzle, HW - read Ch 5 Lesson 1, puzzle due Thursday

    Wednesday: Nutrient jigsaw, HW - puzzle due tomorrow, read Ch. 5 Lesson 2

    Thursday:  work on nutrient jigsaw - HW - read Ch. 5 Lesson 3

    Friday:  Jigsaw presentations, CM 13 & 14, HW - finish CMs if necessary

  • Monday - Holiday

    Tuesday - Journal #2. Ch 5 Lesson 4 notes with summary, questions and vocabulary,  HW - read Ch. 5 Lessons 1-4, review notes

    Wednesday - Food labels - watch the online videos, (click on the link below),  Food Label notes, HW - finish notes if necessary, review Ch 5

    Thursday -  Ch. 5 Lesson 5 notes w/summary questions & vocabulary, CM 16, HW - review Ch. 5 notes

    Friday - Go over Nutrition Project and set up cronometer account, food label practice, review & get Ch. 5 note packet in order, HW - keep track (write it down) of everything you eat and drink either Friday, Saturday and Sunday or Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and enter on

  • Monday:   Ch 6 Lesson 1 notes w/summary, questions & vocabulary, project questions, CM 17, HW - read Ch 6 Lesson 1

    Tuesday:  Lab - work on nutrition project, HW - work on nutrition project if necessary, Ch 5 test Thursday, note packet due Thursday

    Wednesday: Video - Junk Food Wars,  HW - Test tomorrow, note packet due tomorrow

    Thursday:  lab - Ch. 5 test, work on nutrition project, HW - work on project

    Friday:  lab - work on project - last day, HW - finish project - due Monday!!

  • Monday:  Nutrition project due, Journal, Ch 6 lesson 2 questions, discussion, HW - read Ch 6 lessons 1 & 2

    Tuesday:  video - "Dying to be Thin," HW - review Ch. 6 lessons 1 & 2

    Wednesday:  Student Free Day

    Thursday:  Journal, Begin Ch. 6 Lesson 3 notes, HW - review Ch. 6 lessons 1 & 2, read Ch. 6 Lesson 3Finish Ch 6 Lesson 3 notes, CM 19, HW - finish CM if necessary, review your notes

    Friday:  Finish Ch. 6 Lesson 3 Notes, CM 19, Hw- make sure you have read Ch. 6 Lessons 1-3

  • Monday:   Holiday

    Tuesday:  Ch 6 Lesson 4 notes w/summary, vocabulary and questions, review pg. 158, HW - review Ch. 6, test Wednesday, note packet due Wednesday 

    Wednesday:  Ch. 6 test

    Thursday:  Video or Media messages, HW - finish media assignment

    Friday: Journal, Ch 23 Lesson 1 notes w/vocabulary, summary and questions, CM 69, HW - read Ch. 23 Lesson 1

  • Monday:  Holiday

    Tuesday:  Journal, Ch. 23 Lesson 2 notes, label practice, HW -  note packet due tomorrow, Extra Credit - Ch. 23 Review pg. 523-525 - Using Health Terms #1-12, Recalling the Facts #1-12 - attach to note packet

    Wednesday:  CM 69, video, note packet due, read Teen Health article (below), HW - none

    Thursday:  Journal,  Ch 24 Lesson 1 notes w/questions, summary & vocabulary, Vocabulary puzzle and applying health skills practice, HW - read Ch 24 Lesson 1, finish summary on notes

    Friday:  CM 71, video - "No Ifs and or Butts," HW - Review lesson 1 notes

  • Monday: Journal, Ch 24 Lesson 2, CM 72,  HW - review notes, have notebook in class tomorrow for self-evaluation

    Tuesday:  Self-evaluate notebooks, Ch. 24 Lesson 3 Notes, "Is Everything a Business,"  HW - Per. 1  notebooks due tomorrow, Ch 24 note packet due Friday

    Wednesday: Per. 1  Notebooks due, Ch 24 review pgs. 546-547 (Using Health Terms #1-13, Recalling the Facts #1-13), HW - per. 6 notebooks due tomorrow

    Thursday:  Per. 6 notebooks due, Discuss Ch 24 Lesson 3, video - "Targeted," create an ad that promotes the benefits of not smoking, HW - Ch. 24 notes due tomorrow, 

    Friday:  Ch 24 note packet due, Ch 25 Lesson 1 notes, CM 74 (if time), HW - Read Ch 25 Lesson 1

  • Monday: Too Good for Drugs... Alcohol, Rank the Risk, HW - review Ch. 24 & Ch. 25 notes

    Tuesday:  Ch. 25 Lesson 2 Notes w/summary, vocabulary & questions, Decision Making, HW - Review Ch. 24 & Ch. 25 notes

    Wednesday:  Full day - video - "Smashed," HW - review Ch. 24 & Ch. 25 notes

    Thursday:  Flex day - CM 75, review,  HW - review Ch. 24 & Ch. 25 notes

    Friday:  Ch. 25 Lesson 3 notes w/lesson review questions for summary, CM 76, HW - review Ch. 24 & Ch. 25 notes

  • Monday:  Ch. 25 Review Worksheet, Discovery Video, HW - Review Ch. 24 & Ch. 25

    Tuesday:  Alcohol picture frame, HW - Review chapter 24 and 25 - test tomorrow, Ch. 25 note packet due tomorrow

    Wednesday:  Ch. 24 & 25 Test, note packet due, HW - None

    Thursday:  Alcohol and Driving, HW - finish alcohol essay and upload to

    Friday: Journal, Ch 26 Lesson 1 notes w/summary, questions & vocabulary, CM 77, HW - Read Ch 26 Lesson 1