Section outline

  • This week marks the beginning of something completely new. In these difficult times, we will be moving forward completely online. 

    We begin our examination on Memory this week. In doing so, I am giving you all four assignments which, if done right, should take up about two hours of learning time.

    1) Journal - What is your earliest memory? It begins with a look back into your own past. I want you to think as far back as you can to recall your earliest life memory. What was it? How old were you? Respond with as much detail as you can in a paragraph or two.

    2) Crash Course - "How We Make Memories." We'll be utilizing this video series a lot in this remote setting. And for every lesson that Hank Green gives, you will be completing the worksheet for that episode.

    3) Human Memory Notes - No longer will I expect you to copy everything you see. Sometimes I'll have you complete a summary outline of the notes, sometimes, I'll give you a study to complete, and sometimes I'll have you summarize the notes in a two or more paragraphs. This time, however, I just want you to extract 30 pieces of information/facts and complete the fact sheet I provided you. 

    4) Crash Course - "Remembering and Forgetting." The second CC episode for the week. Like the first, complete the worksheet as you watch the video.

    Please note that the weekly instructions can be found on both Google Classroom and on Moodle. As said earlier, although I will provide you with Google Docs so you may complete everything in the Classroom, you may still use your notebook to physically write everything and then submit it to me by taking a pic of your work and emailing it. Whichever works for you.