Section outline

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    Even if we can't control our emotions, perhaps this week we can learn what they are and why we have them. The notes can be found below. The lecture is actually in two parts, with Emotions being covered first and then Stress coming later. 

    To get you started thinking about emotions, your first assignment for this part of the unit will be to think about YOUR dominant emotion; the one that drives you the most.  We will then watch the first of two Crash Course episodes for this portion unit - "Feeling All the Feels." Again extra credit will be afforded for doing the study guide, which may be found below along with a link to the video. This is due the end of next week.

    NOTE: Because you just got the instructions for the Goal Booklet project, I decided to make the project usually associated with this part of the unit optional. So, if you so choose, the instructions for the Music and Emotion project can be found below. The deadline for it will be the first week of March. Maximum value = 40 points.

    FINAL NOTE: For anyone wanting to do test corrections for the Conscious Test, you may find the test below. As usual, download the test and copy entirely any question missed. Then provide the complete correction answer (both the letter and written answer). If it is a D - all of the above type answer, you'll need to include all the other choices as well. When done, attach your correction page to the original answer sheet and hand in by Friday, 2/14. You'll get back a point for each correction you get right.