Section outline

  • As we continue our examination of Intelligence this week, we shift focus more to the creative side. Veering a bit away from the concept of the IQ, we will then focus more on other types of intelligence. For this, we turn to Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner and his concept of Multiple Intelligences, and finish by seeing how they apply to Forrest Gump.

    The agenda for this week are as follows:

    1) Creative Thinking Activity - Four pages describing and utilizes the creative side of the thinking process. The first page is a vocabulary exercise, wherein you apply the terms at the top of the page to the various numbered areas of the story below (Note: three terms are used twice). Page two is a puzzle page in which you provide a common phrase for each of the pictured clues. The third page asks you to figure out how to connect the like-lettered boxes following specific instructions. And page four requires artistic embellishment to the four basic designs. Only the first two are required, as they are the only ones that could be duplicated and completed in a digital format. The last two pages, which require the use of a writing utensil, can be done for extra credit. Just print out the pages, complete them and email me the pics.

    2) Gardner's Multiple Intelligences - Follow the directions provided on the first slide of the presentation "Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Activity."

    3) Personal Inventory - After completing the activity above, you can see how you measure in each of the nine areas. Follow the instructions on the inventory document below to first tabulate your numbers and then chart the results. In what areas are you most intelligent. If you do the activity here, print out the activity, fill it in, and send me the pics.

    4) "Forrest Gump" - Now, apply Gardner nine areas of intelligence to Forrest. We can't watch the whole movie as a class. However, a few years ago I created a Prezi activity which you can watch by clicking the link below. When done, in your notebook, provide a detailed description of how Forrest - while conventionally smart - possesses at least five of the intelligences defined by Howard Gardner. Note: There are at least two videos that are no longer available since this presentation was created.

    Finally: If you are starting t think this is too much work, let me inform you right now THERE IS NO TEST FOR THIS UNIT.  YOU'RE WELCOME!