Section outline

  • This is crunch time guys. Whether or not you are taking the AP Test, I need your full attention during class so that we can get through the remaining material.

    For starters, we now move swiftly into the next part of the unit on Human Development. We only have a week to spend on this, so material is going to come at you quickly.

    This week, we need to:

    1) finish Module 17 (Monday, 4/10)

    2) finish Module 18 (Thursday, 4/13)

    3) Watch "The Breakfast Club" (Thursday, 4/13). The instructions for the essays associated with the film can be found below. I will expect two, 2-page typed essays for each of the prompts. This will be due next Wednesday, 4/19 (if done on hard copy). You may have an extra day if you share them with me on Google Docs.

    Also included below are various sets of lecture notes that I used to give on Child Development, Adolescence, and Erikson's eight stage of social development. Peruse at your pleasure. I will also be handing out to you physically a copy of the Human Development Theories chart, highlighting the concepts behind Erikson's social theories, Freud's sexual theories, Kohlberg's moral theories, and Piaget's cognitive theories of human development.

    A final not for this week --- Your Review Exams "Child Development" and "Developmental Psychology" are due to me by Sunday night for full credit. You lose 10% is I get them Monday, 25% through Thursday, and 50% thereafter.