Section outline

  • Our study of the Native American people comes to an end this week.

    1) Lecture/discussion - "Native American Struggles."  Copy down all the notes as we go through the 20th century struggles of the Native Americans in America.

    2) Reading Activity - "What's In A Name?"   As you read through the article, do two things:  1) write down ten (10) facts or opinions about what has been written; 2)  answer the six groups of questions which follow the article under the heading What Do You Think?

    3) A trio of workbook activities. These include: a) "The Other Side of American Life," pages 332-33 (you will need to read page 511-15 in the textbook to complete this); b) "Termination of Federal Supervision Over Certain Groups of Indians," pages 334-35; and c) "The Alcatraz Occupation," pages 450-51.

    At the end of the week, I hope to show you the film Smoke Signals. There is a study guide below that can be printed out and completed for extra credit over the Thanksgiving break.