Section outline

  • Image result for Halloween images
    Here's to a good week and a Happy Halloween.

    With the month quickly winding down, we move further into our exploration of the human life span. 

    Before returning to your notebook activities, however, Monday we'll be taking a look at genetics and how they influence our biology and, later, our behavior. 

    Tuesday, you will continue adding to your notebooks, as we delve further into the "Child Development" notes. Topics at hand will be Sensory Abilities, Temperament, Emotional Development, including Separation Anxiety. 

    Wednesday, our look at child development continues with a viewing of the Crash Course episode "The Growth of Knowledge." There are no notes for this, however, you may print out and complete the accompanying worksheet for extra credit. This would be due by next Wednesday, 11/6. The remainder of the period will be left open for you to finish up your "Child Development" notes. 

    Note: The notes actually end with the section on Day Care and Attachment. However, there is a final portion which outlines Freud's stage theory of sexual development. If you complete this portion (and it will be good to have them later), 15 points of extra credit will be given.

    The final two days of the week, will be taken up examining the work of famed child psychologist Jean Piaget. This will be in the form of an activity project which includes a set of notes to annotate, a crossword puzzle, and a trio of activities that apply Piaget's theory to real-world concepts. This is a stand-alone activity and does not go in your notebook. It will be due on Monday, 11/4.