30 September - 6 October
Section outline
Periods 1-3:
>Homework: Practice PSAT questions on pages 24, 25 -- answer questions 6-11.
Poetry -- brief notes and overview (see poweerpoint below);
Synonym Poetry:
Choose any word. Write that word in capital letters on the first line. Using a thesaurus, look up the word and find three to five synonyms for it. Write the synonyms on the second line. One the third line, write a descriptive phrase about the word. The two lines of the poem should rhyme. Write a “final draft” of your poem on the bottom of this page.
Example #1:
Attachment, adoration, warmth, adore
Love is so pure, right down to the core.
---Student X (Grade 10)
Example #2:
Clamor, uproar, hullabaloo.
These things can really annoy you.
---Student Y (Grade 9)
Periods 4-6:
>Homework: Practice PSAT questions on pages 24, 25 -- answer questions 6-11.
>In-class essay final, Fahrenheit 451.
> All:
Review PSAT pages 24-25;
Notes on parallel structure ( >> NOTES HERE << ); There is an assignment on Google Classroom regarding parallel structure -- have that finished by class time tomorrow.
Assign: PSAT pages 29-30, #s 23-29.
Vocabulary quiz / new vocabulary; New vocabulary >> HERE << .
> assonance, consonance, alliteration;
> Similes, metaphors; allusion
Handouts for the week:
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