Section outline

  • Welcome to Mr. Toohey's English 10 class!



    LATE WORK log: > > CLICK HERE < < .

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

    Get to the ZZI.SH website >> HERE <<.

    > > Your ZZI.SH codes are here. < <

    For additional reading log sheets, >>CLICK HERE<< .


    Overview of class;

    For classroom expectations, see box above;


    Notes on syntax and semantics (see PowerPoint listed below; for Google Slides version,   >>CLICK HERE<<   );

    Discuss: Current List of Banned Words and Phrases (from Moodle);

    Homework: Banned Words and Phrases (the list is posted in the "welcome" box at the top of this page; the homework is listed below);

    NOTE: sentences are below, but they are in Microsoft word form. If it will not open for you, CLICK HERE FOR A GOOGLE DOCUMENT. 


    Discuss vocabulary (see vocabulary handout below); review yesterday's practice sentences.


    Read "The Pedestrian," by Ray Bradbury (link to story, below); answer questions, write paragraph (see below);


    Notes on plot (see below);

    Or,   > >  CLICK HERE < <

    assign -- due Monday: 

    Create a PLOT GRAPH for the short story “The Pedestrian,” by Ray Bradbury. I will put a copy of the story on Moodle so you will have access to it over the weekend.

    Start with your narrative hook and climax. Everything else is easier to fill in if you have these two points.

    Also, list what kind of conflict we see in “The Pedestrian,” and explain HOW it is that kind.



    Handouts for the week:


    Due: From Friday, plot graph for the story "The Pedestrian."

    Classwork handout: concrete/abstract, common/proper, collective, and compound nouns

    Notes on nouns (see PowerPoint below); then, in the second paragraph of "The Pedestrian," find all the nouns; "The Pedestrian" is available here on Moodle (see last week) and on the internet, if you can't open it here.


    Review Classwork from yesterday;

    Review homework from yesterday; 

    Notes on Setting (see ppt. below);  or,  >> CLICK HERE <<   for Google Slides version.


    Vocabulary QUIZ today;

    New vocabulary list due next week.


    Review of nouns (see handout below);

    Notes on Character (see below);


    >Book Checkout --  Of Mice and Men / Fahrenheit 451; Period 1, 2, and 3 will read Of Mice and Men; periods 4, 5, and 6 will read Fahrenheit 451.

    Writing a paragraph some quick notes accompanying the discussion

    >> CLICK HERE <<    for periods 1-3  (writing assignment included)

    >> CLICK HERE <<    for periods 1-3  (writing assignment included)

    Reading schedules for both novels:

    Of Mice and Men (periods 1-3): Read Chapter 1 by the time you come to class on Tuesday.

    Fahrenheit 451 (periods 4-6): Read part 1 (to the gap on page 12; stop at "They had this machine.") by the time you come to class on Tuesday.


    Handouts for the week:


    >Periods 1-3: Ch. 1 in Of Mice and Men due tomorrow;

    >Periods 4-6: Reading assignment #1 in Fahrenheit 451 due tomorrow;


    Reading Inventory -- we will be doing this is class on Chromebooks. Instructions will be on the board.

    After the Reading Inventory is over, Go to Google Classroom and find your assignment on COMPOUND NOUNS AND COLLECTIVE NOUNS. Once on the assignment page, find the two URLs you will need, and open them as separate tabs or windows. Read through those pages thoroughly. Once you feel comfortable with the information, take the quiz posted to Google Classroom. This quiz is due by 7:30 Am tomorrow morning.   -- Don't do this.


    Periods 1, 2, 3:  
    Of Mice and Men, Ch. 1 due today; You will have a quiz, so be prepared!

    Handout: Study Guide for Ch. 2 -- due tomorrow

    AND . . . Find 2 examples of foreshadowing in chapter 1

    Assign: Ch. 2 in Of Mice and Men, due Friday

    Periods 4, 5, 6: 

    Fahrenheit 451, part 1 -- read to "They had this machine" on page 12; stop at the gap right before this.

    handout: due tomorrow

    Assign: Read to gap before "One two three four five six seven days: the firehouse." (I think it is on page 29 in your books.) Due Friday.

    Assign: Find in reading Assignment #1: 

      • 1 example of conflict; 
      • 2 examples of setting; 
      • 2 examples of foreshadowing -- 1 that gets resolved, one unresolved; 
      • one salient (important) quote 


    Vocabulary due; new vocab assigned;    >>CLICK HERE<<   for next week's vocabulary, or see word document below.

    Vocabulary QUIZ today.

    Silent Reading -- when you finish your vocabulary quiz, read your novel in preparation for your next due date,  Friday.

    Review handout and assignment from yesterday.


    >Notes on Character (see below); Then, using "The Pedestrian":

    1. Select 4 personality characteristics of Leonard Mead. Find evidence in the text to support each of your selections.
    2. Identify who in “The Pedestrian” is the protagonist. Also, identify the antagonist.
    3. Are the characters in “The Pedestrian” round or flat? How do you know? Static or dynamic? How do you know?
    4. Find 2 ways Leonard Mead is indirectly characterized.



    Periods 1, 2, 3:

    >Of Mice and Men Chapter 2 due today; expect quiz.

    >Study guide for Chapter 2 (see below) -- due Tuesday;

    Assign: Of Mice and Men, Chapter 3, due Tuesday.

    Periods 4, 5, 6: 

    Reading assignment #2 due today: Read to gap before "One two three four five six seven days: the firehouse."

    Due Tuesday: Reading assignment #3: read to "He had chills and fever in the morning."

    Choose one of the 5 segments from Fahrenheit 451  >>LINKED HERE<<  and analyze it. Directions were given in class, and are at the top of the page the link here connects to. 

    Due Tuesday.

    Saved for later:

    Homework: Read "To Build a Fire," by Jack London. Due Monday (<-- Click the title to go to the story)

    • Read the story and identify the narrative hook and climax of the story 
    • Describe the setting and characterization (protagonist, antagonist, foil characters, round/flat characters, static/dynamic characters)
    • Discuss the conflict in the story, including whether the conflict is internal or external


    Handouts for the week:


    Labor Day -- No school


    Periods 1, 2, 3:
    >Ch. 3 due in OM&M; Study guide (see below);

    Handout: Ch. 3 study guide (see below);

    Ch. 4 due Friday;

    Periods 4, 5, 6:

    >Reading assignment #3 due today (see last Friday for where to stop);

    Handout: Reading assignment #3

    >Reading assignments #4 due Friday: stop at the end of Part 1


    >Periods 1-3: In-class assignment:  >>CLICK HERE<< for Google Slide show; assignment is contained within. If you have questions, ask me in class!

    When you finish, READ! I think a number of you are behind. Get caught up!

    >Periods 4-6: In-class assignment:  >>CLICK HERE<< for Google Slide show; assignment is contained within. If you have questions, ask me in class! 

    When you finish, READ! I think a number of you are behind. Get caught up!


    >Back to School Night 

    Vocabulary Quiz . new vocabulary  >>CLICK HERE<<  for next week's vocabulary on a Google Doc.


    >Periods 1-3: 

    Chapter 4 in Of Mice and Men due today;

    •MONDAY: Find three quotes in Chapter 4 that highlight the personality or characteristics of any of the characters in the chapter. Explain what the quote says about the character.  Forgot to emphasize this last time and not many of you did it, so make sure the explanation is there, too!

    There is some work for you on Google Classroom. I went over this is class -- verbs (conjugation) and nouns (plurals) ending in -y. There are 30 questions. Have this done by Monday. If you score poorly, you may retake it (but I need to reset the quiz before you can do that).

    Chapter 5 is due Tuesday.

    >Periods 4-6: 

    Reading assignment due: Finish Part I, "The Hearth and the Salamander," in Fahrenheit 451.  

    DUE MONDAY:   >>CLICK HERE<<   for the assignment in Google Docs.

    There is some work for you on Google Classroom. I went over this is class -- verbs (conjugation) and nouns (plurals) ending in -y. There are 30 questions. Have this done by Monday. If you score poorly, you may retake it (but I need to reset the quiz before you can do that).

    Due Tuesday: Reading assignment #5 -- beginning of part two ("The Sieve and the Sand") to the GAP before "He was eating a light supper at nine..."


    Handouts for the week:

  • Monday: 



    Periods 1-3:

    Adjectives: Picture assignment, done in class -- powerpoint slideshow below;

    "Barriers" --  Homework due Thursday: see handout below;

    Periods 4-6:

    Due today: Reading assignment #5 -- beginning of part two ("The Sieve and the Sand") to the GAP before "He was eating a light supper at nine..."

    Assigned: Due Friday -- Reading assignment #6 -- read to the end of Part 2.


    Vocabulary quiz / new vocabulary;  >>CLICK HERE<<  for next week's words and sentences.




    >Due today: Reading assignment #6 -- have read to the end of Part 2 today.


    Handouts for the week:


    Periods 1-3: 

    >Notes on theme --  >> CLICK HERE <<  for notes; 

    >Aesop's Fables -- Link to Library of Congress's collection of them   >> HERE <<

    >Poem: "To A Mouse" -- Robert Burns

    >Assignment: Using one of the below "messages," create a brief story of your own, your own "Aesop's Fable."

        1. Friendships need care.
        2. Anger isn't worth it.
        3. Kindness matters.
        4. Grudges cause pain.
        5. You aren't always right.
        6. It will pass.
        7. Risk expands you.
        8. You can't control others.
        9. Little things matter.
        10. Worry is worthless.

    Periods 4-6:

    >Notes on theme --  >> CLICK HERE <<  for notes; 

    >Aesop's Fables -- Link to Library of Congress's collection of them   >> HERE << . 

    >Assignment: Using one of the below "messages," create a brief story of your own, your own "Aesop's Fable."

          1. Friendships need care.
          2. Anger isn't worth it.
          3. Kindness matters.
          4. Grudges cause pain.
          5. You aren't always right.
          6. It will pass.
          7. Risk expands you.
          8. You can't control others.
          9. Little things matter.
          10. Worry is worthless.


    All classes: 
    >Notes on verbs --  >> CLICK HERE <<  for notes;

    >Classwork: Use each of the nominative pronouns and their objective counterparts in a sentence, for a total of 10 sentences (you don't need sentences for "you" or "it," since they do not change). Use I, ME, HE, HIM, SHE, HER, WE, US, THEY, THEM  correctly in a sentence. The words in bold will be paired up with a verb (making them subjects), and the words underlined will NOT be paired with verbs (making them objects).

    Periods 4-6:
    >In addition to the above, you have reading assignment #7 in Fahrenheit 451 due today;


    Vocabulary quiz / new vocabulary

    >> CLICK HERE <<  for next week's words and sentences.


    >Fables due today


    >Periods 1 - 3:

    >Read "The Interlopers." Story is   >>HERE<<

    Handout for "The Interlopers"  >>HERE<<

    This is due in class today.

    >Periods 4 - 6:

    Finish the novel, Fahrenheit 451. You should be finished when you come to class.

    Study guide -- no quiz today. 

    Then, poem assignment.  >>CLICK HERE <<  for the poem assignment.


    Handouts for the week:


    >Notes on adjectives. Powerpoint below; 

    > Classwork: Adjectives from pictures -- see powerpoint below; directions are in the powerpoint


    ClassworkIdentify all of the pronouns and adjectives, except articles, in the following passage. This is due in class today.

          Along the foot of a tilted red rock a porcupine came....It broke open a tiny shelter of sticks and some meager round-eared creature, all eyes and bony limbs, fled across the stones.

         The porcupine, ignoring it, was about to devour the beetles ...when suddenly it paused, raised its head and listened. As it remained motionless a brown, mongoose-like creature broke quickly through the bushes and disappeared down its hole. From farther away came the sound of scolding birds.


     Vocabulary Quiz, new vocabulary;  Click  >> HERE <<  for vocabulary. 


    Handout -- Adjectives and the nouns or pronouns they modify

    PSAT booklets -- assign Section 2, #1-5. Have this done by tomorrow. We will go over this in class.

    Periods 4-6:

    The stages of Guy Montag --  >> CLICK HERE <<  for assignment (Google Doc).

    >> CLICK HERE <<  for the example I showed in class about Captain Beatty.

    "The Stages of Guy Montag" is due tomorrow. Submit your assignments to Google Classroom


    Both classes: review PSAT booklet problems from yesterday;

    >Periods 1 - 3:

    Periods 4 - 6: 

    FH451 Final Paragraph

         Bradbury has said that his book is about the TV replacing books in society, not about censorship. Do you think Bradbury was right to fear that modern technology would replace books?  Use examples from the book and your own personal experience to argue whether Bradbury was right or not.

    Homework for the weekend: Read "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment," found here. Answer the same questions for "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" as are listed on Monday for "The Interlopers."    <-- This assignment is postponed. 


    Handouts for the week:


    Periods 1-3:

    >Homework: Practice PSAT questions on pages 24, 25 -- answer questions 6-11.

    Poetry -- brief notes and overview (see poweerpoint below);


    Synonym Poetry: 

    Choose any word.  Write that word in capital letters on the first line.  Using a thesaurus, look up the word and find three to five synonyms for it.  Write the synonyms on the second line.  One the third line, write a descriptive phrase about the word.  The two lines of the poem should rhyme. Write a “final draft” of your poem on the bottom of this page.

    Example #1:


    Attachment, adoration, warmth, adore

    Love is so pure, right down to the core.

    ---Student X (Grade 10)

    Example #2:


    Clamor, uproar, hullabaloo.

    These things can really annoy you.

    ---Student Y (Grade 9)

    Periods 4-6:

    >Homework: Practice PSAT questions on pages 24, 25 -- answer questions 6-11.

    >In-class essay final, Fahrenheit 451.


    > All:

    Review PSAT pages 24-25;

    Notes on parallel structure ( >> NOTES HERE << ); There is an assignment on Google Classroom regarding parallel structure -- have that finished by class time tomorrow.

    Assign: PSAT pages 29-30, #s 23-29.


    Vocabulary quiz / new vocabulary;  New vocabulary  >> HERE <<  . 


    > assonance, consonance, alliteration;

    > Similes, metaphors; allusion



    Handouts for the week:

  • MONDAY: 

    Literary terms: alliteration, assonance, consonance: 


    Alliteration: the repetition of initial consonant sounds in words such as “rough and ready.”

    Example: ““His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe.”   

    Assonance: The repetition of vowel sounds without the repetition of consonants. Example: “My words fall like silent raindrops from the sky.”

    Consonance: The repetition of consonant sounds. Although it is similar to alliteration, consonance is not limited to the first letters of words. Example:

    “The dozen canals froze over every winter.”

    Simile / metaphor assignment  >> HERE <<  . 


    >Similes and Metaphors


    Simile: Using “like,” “as,” or “than” for a comparison between two things which seem to have nothing in common. 

    The branches of government are like internal organs in the body.

    His hatred ran as deep as an ocean.

    Doing homework is easier than digging ditches.

    Metaphor: a comparison between two things which seem to have nothing in common. Metaphors do not use “like” or “as” in the comparison.

    His bad attitude just added fuel to the fire.

    Talent scouts are always looking for someone who is a diamond in the rough.

    Handout  >> HERE <<  .


    > Vocabulary QUIZ / new vocabulary;  Vocabulary sentences  >> HERE <<


    >Substitute in today;

    Read "Everyday Use," by Alice Walker.

    handout (due in class): double-sided

    A Side) list the character traits for Mama, Maggie, and Dee (Wangero)

    B Side)  Story questions:

    1. How do Maggie's scars affect her life?

    2. Why does Dee changer her name to Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo?

    3. How has Dee changed since she last saw her mother and sister?

    4. Why does Dee want the quilts?

    5. Why is Dee angry at the end of the story?

    6. What does the narrator mean when she says that Maggie thinks Dee "has held life always in the palm of one had, that 'no' is a word the world never learned to say to her"? What does this say about Dee?

    7. In what way does the house fire affect Maggie? Describe how this event explains her character.

    Word search -- vocabulary #9 and some literary terms


    Some poetry review -- so far:

    Robert Frost, “The Road Not Taken.”

    1. List the rhyme scheme for the entire poem

    2. How many stanzas are in the poem?

    3. Count the syllables per line in Stanza 1.

    4. Find the BEST example of alliteration. Write the line and circle the repeated sounds.

    5. Find the BEST example of assonance. Write the line and circle the repeated sounds.

    6. Find the BEST example of consonance. Write the line and circle the repeated sounds.

    7. What do you think the THEME is for the poem? Write it out, and include clues in the poem that suggest this theme to you.

    ++End of the First Quarter++


    Handouts for the week:


    > Review Reading #3 in FH451. Read to the gap before "He had chills and fever in the morning."

    > Assign: FH451 Reading assignment #4 -- read to the end of part 1, due Thursday.

    >Find 2 examples from reading assignment #2 and/or #3 that show Montag is changing (dynamic character). They can be actions, direct quotes, observations from other characters, or narration hopping inside Montag’s head.


    > Review PSAT Reading Comprehension section, assigned yesterday -- pages 7-9 in booklet, questions 1-9.

    Poem: "Richard Cory," -- E. A. Robinson

    Poem questions:

    1. Write out the rhyme scheme

    2. Find:

    ·         Alliteration?

    ·         Assonance?

    ·         Consonance?

    *Not every poem will have these things. Remember, these are done for effect, not by accident, so often they will stand out, and are supposed to.

    3. Describe in your own words what “we people on the pavement” thought of Richard Cory. What lines indicate this?

    4. Describe “we people on the pavement.” What did you read that tells you what they’re like?

    5. What does Richard Cory do at the end of the poem?

    6. What is the theme of the poem?


    > PSAT Test -- this is NOT a flex day!

    Periods 5, 6: In class, score 80% or higher on practice vocabulary quiz on site;


    > FLEX DAY

    Vocabulary quiz / new vocabulary  -->  New vocabulary   >> HERE <<  .   


    Handout: Setting in Fahrenheit 451. Complete the chart. For the question of MOOD -- see the chart below to get an idea of what MOODS might be found in literature:

    Mood wheel


    Handouts for the week:


    >Substitute in today

    1. Read the short story, "The Devil and Tom Walker," by Washington Irving, then write an in-class essay (due today!) on the following topic:

    Explain how plot, setting, and character contribute to understanding the theme of the story.  (Think about writing a paragraph each for plot, setting, and character, and connect it to the theme.)

    Essays should be one approximately one full page. Papers of only a few sentences or of a single paragraph will receive a score of ZERO. You need to put forth honest effort.

    2. Handout: Poem -- "Eldorado," by Edgar Allan Poe. Handout has the questions on it. This is due tomorrow.


    >Google Classroom -- Poetry Terms

    Find the assignment. The form has several terms to define and give examples of (NOT "use in a sentence"). Make sure you look for the literary definition (for example, for the term "apostrophe" DO NOT put down "a punctuation mark" -- "apostrophe" as a literary term has a completely different definition). 




    >Vocabulary Quiz / new vocabulary 

     >> CLICK HERE <<   for next week's vocabulary.


    >Review of Tuesday's terms; see notes (with examples) and assignment  >> HERE <<  . 

    Assignment is at the end of the slide show linked above. use the notes in the slide show to help you! You cannot use the examples in the notes or the ones you used Tuesday; find NEW ones!


    > Read "The Minister's Black Veil," a copy of which you can find  >> HERE <<


    1. What has Mr. Hooper done that so greatly surprised his congregation?

    2. Show some examples of how the town reacted to Mr. Hooper’s change.

    3. Who is the one person who confronted Mr. Hooper about his change? What was Mr. Hooper’s reaction?

    4. How does Mr. Hooper feel about his veil? Give a quote from the story to support your answer.

    5. Explain Mr. Hooper’s dying words.

    6. What do you think the “Note” at story’s end signifies?

    These questions are due today.


    >Essay: "The Minister's Black Veil." Have the story read; you will write in class (for all periods except 1).

    Essay directions:

    • Write an essay in which you discuss the theme of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Minister’s Black Veil.”
    • Listing the theme should be your thesis statement, which belongs in your introductory paragraph.
    • Follow the introductory paragraph with paragraphs of supporting evidence. Remember, have topic sentences that are supported by evidence from the text and your own analysis.
    • Give your paper a title based on your thesis, not the assignment.

    This is due today.


    > Vocabulary quiz / new vocabulary   New vocabulary  >> HERE <<  .


    >Read this   -->   history of Halloween

    Then, answer the following questions:

    1. Explain the article’s (essay’s) introduction. How does this writer introduce the essay’s topic to the audience?
    2. Find and write down the sentence (the whole sentence) serving as this essay’s thesis statement (controlling idea).
    3. Explain how this writer has organized the essay.
    4. Write down an example of a transition sentence. Explain specifically what it is doing.
    5. How many paragraphs is the conclusion? Briefly explain what this essay’s conclusion does (meaning, what is the writer doing in writing the conclusion this way).

    We will discuss this in class, but notice HOW this article / essay is delivered. 




    Handouts for the week:

  • MONDAY: 



    >Prepositions --  >> CLICK HERE <<  for Google Slide Show assignment.

    Your drawing directions are in the slide show; the homework assignment -- your own slide show (due Thursday) -- is there, too.

    Submit the slide show to Google Classroom.


    >Vocabulary Quiz / new vocabulary  >> CLICK HERE <<  for vocabulary sentences.

    Expect prepositions on this quiz!


    >Slide show presentations; You will present these to the class!


    >TO LIBRARY for vision and hearing testing. Meet in the library.


    Handouts for the week:


    Veterans' Day -- no school

    veterans day


    >Prepositions handout  >> HERE <<

    >Preparing for Shakespeare -- Notes found  >> HERE << .  (will be linked after presentation given in class)


    > Vocabulary Quiz; new vocabulary;  New vocabulary  >> HERE << 

    >Finish Shakespeare notes from yesterday; 

    > Put into presentation groups; group presentations will begin this Friday.


    >Begin Julius Caesar, Act I, scene 1 (if you were absent, the play is readily found online); I have given a brief summary and a small glossary of terms  >> HERE << . (no link yet; will update this weekend);

    Questions for Act I scene 1 (due in class today):

    1. What "game" is the cobbler playing with Flavius and Marullus?

    2. According to Marullus, how had the commoners of Rome celebrated Pompey before Caesar?

    3. What do both Flavius and Marullus say the Roman citizens should do after hearing news of Caesar's victory?

    4. What do Flavius and Marullus go off to do at the end of Act I, scene 1, and why?  (They state a specific reason.)


    >Finish notes on reading Shakespeare (started Tuesday);

    > Groups -- you were placed in groups, with presentations due Tuesday. Group topics are as follows:

    Research Topics:

    1. William Shakespeare: his biography, including information specifically on his writing of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, such as critical reception, reasons for its creation, etc.

    2. How to read Shakespeare*

    3. The Globe Theater & Elizabethan drama

    4. Debate over who wrote Shakespeare’s plays

    5. Elizabethan culture, such as food, clothing, class structure, women’s roles, political climate, etc.

    6. Julius Caesar: his biography, and his place within the history of ancient Roman rulers

    7. Daily ancient Roman life & culture, such as food, clothing, social class structure, social norms, common types of employment, men’s and women’s roles, etc.

    8. Ancient Roman major holidays & traditions – include Lupercalia, the celebration taking place at the beginning of the play; Roman games & leisure, including gladiators; this groups can include Roman gods and where we “see” them today (planets, etc.)

    9. Ancient Roman weapons, war, & conquests; include the Roman empire, how it grew, how far-reaching it was at its apex, and how it declined and ultimately disappeared

    10. Ancient Roman government & law, on which our government today is modeled


    Handouts for the week:




    >Round 1 of presentations == groups 1-5 will present today

    Act 1, scene 2 (part 2)

    Questions: Act I, scene 2 (part 2)


    1. In lines 192-214, how would you describe Caesar’s personality? What specifically did you read that suggests this?

    2. Casca, in lines 234-248, suggests what about Caesar? If Casca is right (though he may not be) what else can you infer about Caesar.

    3. Cassius: “If I were Brutus now, and he were Cassius, he should not humour me.” Explain.


    > Round 2 of presentations -- groups 6-7 will go today.

    >Vocabulary quiz /  new vocabulary  >> HERE << .  


    >2018: PRESENTATION in library -- put on by counselors, so I have no idea how long this will run -- all periods except period 1, who went Monday.


    >Groups 8-10 present today;


    Handouts for the week:

  • .

    Thanksgiving Week: No School!





    > Review assignment from last Friday: Brutus's soliloquy from Act 2, sc. 1; 

    > Write paragraph explaining in your own words what Brutus says in the section I gave you for homework;

    > Homework: Go to Google Classroom for your homework assignment. Read the directions spelled out for you there.


    > Review yesterday's homework; >> GO HERE <<  for Slide show.


    Vocabulary quiz / new vocabulary -- remember, you need to scroll back two weeks to get the vocabulary list due today! 

    >> CLICK HERE <<  for vocabulary words / sentences.


    > Read in class Act II, scene 2 & 3;

    > for scene 4 (last scene in Act II) YOU will perform. I have put you in groups of 3 (or 2, if necessary). You will present to class an abbreviated version -- put into your own words -- of what happens in scene 4. There are three characters: Portia, Lucius, and Soothsayer. You will write out -- and act out! -- a "play" of Act 2 scene 4. Presentations will be tomorrow. They only need to be a minute or two, but everyone in the group needs to participate!


    > Play presentations

    > Homework: Go  >> HERE <<  .   This will take you to the beginning of Act III. Read Act 3 scene 1 to the point where Caesar is killed (NOTE: there are dual line numbers -- the actual line number [listed to the right of the text] is line 85, but you can see there are, on the left, some "FTLN" numbers. Read to the FTLN number 1238.)

    Answer these questions: 

    1. What does Popilius Lena say to Cassius? How is his comment interpreted by the conspirators?

    2. Do the conspirators correctly interpret Popilius Lena’s comment? How do we know?

    3. Who is appointed to be the first to attack Caesar?

    4. The conspiracy involves Metellus Cimber first asking Caesar for something. What is it?

    5. Caesar denies Metellus Cimber’s request, and (a little later) explains why, by saying “I am constant as the Northern Star.” Finish the part where Ceasar says this, then explain what Caesar means by this.


    Handouts for the week:

    > Homework from last Friday due today.

    > Overhead notes on Act III, scene 1, part 1, go  >> HERE << .

    > There are questions within the slide show. Answer on a separate sheet of paper.

    > Overhead notes on Act III, scene 1, part 2, go  >> HERE <<

    > There is a handout that goes with today's lesson. See me for the handout. There are questions within the slide show. Answer those questions on the handout.


    Vocabulary Quiz / new vocabulary;  New vocabulary is  >> HERE <<


    > Periods 1 -3: 

    > Read Act 3, sc. 2 from beginning through Brutus's speech to the public; then:

    > Written assignment: 

    Diary Entries: create a diary entry for a fictional character or one who experienced these last few days of Rome. Have them talk about what has occurred, from the celebration of Lupercal (beginning of play) through Brutus’s speech.

    Think of all the events, people, rumors, etc., your commoner could have encountered.

    > Periods 4 - 6:

    Persuasion is the use of language to influence people to behave or think in certain ways. Several characters in the play so far have used persuasion: Flavius and Marullus speaking to the commoners at the beginning of the play; Cassius talking to Brutus; Calphurnia begging Caesar to stay at home; Decius convincing Caesar to leave home; Metellus Cimber (and others) begging Caesar for Metellus’s brother to return from exile; Artemidorus and his note and public plea to Caesar. Some of their techniques to persuade: facts or examples, words with dual or emotional overtones, repetition, and others. 

    In an essay of at least a page, discuss some of the techniques used, why they were used, and their overall effectiveness as we have seen them in the play so far.


    > Periods 1 -3: 

    Persuasion is the use of language to influence people to behave or think in certain ways. Several characters in the play so far have used persuasion: Flavius and Marullus speaking to the commoners at the beginning of the play; Cassius talking to Brutus; Calphurnia begging Caesar to stay at home; Decius convincing Caesar to leave home; Metellus Cimber (and others) begging Caesar for Metellus’s brother to return from exile; Artemidorus and his note and public plea to Caesar. Some of their techniques to persuade: facts or examples, words with dual or emotional overtones, repetition, and others. 

    In an essay of at least a page, discuss some of the techniques used, why they were used, and their overall effectiveness as we have seen them in the play so far.

    > Periods 4 - 6:

    > Read Act 3, sc. 2 from beginning through Brutus's speech to the public; then:

    > Written assignment: 

    Diary Entries: create a diary entry for a fictional character or one who experienced these last few days of Rome. Have them talk about what has occurred, from the celebration of Lupercal (beginning of play) through Brutus’s speech.

    Think of all the events, people, rumors, etc., your commoner could have encountered.


    ** You may combine 1 and 2 to double your extra credit, but you may only do ONE monologue from part 2. **

    1. Read Acts IV and V in Julius Caesar. I have told you about this for a while now. On the day of your final, and after you have finished your final, you will take a separate test covering these last 2 acts that we did not cover in class. You will need to score highly on this test. A score of 60%, for example, will not net you any extra credit points. 

    Point total: approximately 40 points 

    2. Speeches: monologues and soliloquies. Choose one of the passages below and memorize it. You will present this to the class the day of the final. This must be done correctly, and you need to speak as though you were that character, so understand HOW that character would enunciate, emphasize, etc., the lines. How would you as an actor/actress present these lines?

    Point total: approximately 40 points

    Choose one (and only one) -- click on the Act/scene/line number to take you to the part; I have given you the lead line number (link) and the closing line number, as well as the first line of dialogue:

    • Caesar1.2.208  to 1.2.224  -- "Would he were fatter..."
    • Cassius: 1.2.320  to 1.2.334 -- "Well, Brutus, though art noble..."
    • Cassius:  1.3.60  to  1.2.81  -- "You are dull, Casca..."
    • Brutus2.1.10  to  2.1.36 -- "It must be by his death."
    • Brutus: 2.1.175  to  2.1.196 -- "our course will seem too bloody..."
    • Caesar3.1.64 to  3.1.79  --  "I could be well moved..."
    • Antony:  3.1.164  to  3.1.179  -- "O mighty Caesar, dost thou ..."
    • Antony:  3.1.280  to  3.1.301  -- "O pardon me, though bleeding piece of earth..."
    • Brutus:  3.2.13  to  3.2.36  --  "Be patient till the last."
    • Antony: 3.2.82  to  3.2.115  --  "Friends, Romans, countrymen..."  AND stop at line 115, where Antony finishes the sentence with "...And men have lost their reason!"
    • Antony:  3.2.130  to  3.2.149  --  "But yesterday the word of Caesar..."
    • Brutus:  4.3.74  to  4.3.91  --  "You have done that you should be sorry for."


    Handouts for the week:


    > Visuals / notes from Antony's monologue:  >> CLICK HERE <<

    > TOMORROW: Any of you that need to make up a presentation from the past few weeks (preposition pictures -- see Google Classroom; Julius Caesar introduction topics; Julius Caesar act 2, scene 4)

    > Topics for your final -- you will get a handout on this tomorrow, which I may let you use on the final . . .

    > Dates on PowerSchool to see if you're missing one of the presentation grades:

        • 11/7 -- preposition presentation (assignment is on Google Classroom)
        • 11/19 -- Shakespeare pre-reading presentation 
        • 12/6 -- Acting out Shakespeare: Julius Caesar, Act 2, scene 4

    > Topics to study for final:

        • syntax / semantics
        • denotation / connotation
        • plot -- all elements of the plot graph
        • Types of conflict
        • Setting
        • Nouns: concrete / abstract; common / proper
        • Character -- elements of character, including round / flat characters, static / dynamic characters
        • Theme
        • Point of view -- know the different points of view
        • Adjectives
        • Prepositions
        • Verbs
        • Pronouns
        • Poetry terms
        • Rhyme scheme
        • Assonance / consonance / alliteration
        • simile / metaphor
        • monologue / soliloquy
        • Julius Caesar


    > Vocabulary Quiz #17

    > Make-up presentations: If you were missing one of the presentations from the last few weeks, today is the day to make them up.

    > Final review -- handout



    FINAL, PERIODS 1 & 2


    FINAL, PERIODS 3 & 5


    FINAL, PERIODS 4 & 6

    -----------End of First Semester-----------


    Handouts for the week:

  • .


    Christmas Break; see you Monday, January 14, 2019!



  • .


    Christmas Break; see you Monday, January 9, 2017!



  • .


    Christmas Break; see you Monday, January 9, 2017!




    [flex day]

    Article: Read "Back to Square One." Answer the following questions.

        1. Explain the purpose of the article.

        2. List Melissa’s accomplishments.

        3. “…With a collection of rejection letters and a haunting sense of betrayal.” Who or what, do you suppose, “betrayed” Melissa?

        4. “Success has always been defined as a straight line.” What is meant by this, and do you agree? Why, or why not?

        5. Cite something you think Melissa did “the right way” to try to put herself in a position for long-term success. Explain why you think this was “the right way.”

        6. Cite something you think Melissa did to hurt her chances for long-term success, or something she did that was not “the right way."


    Notes on clauses, sentence types. Powerpoint below.


    New vocabulary;  >> CLICK HERE <<  for Google Doc version of vocabulary;

    Google Classroom: Some practice covering yesterday's notes on clauses and sentence types;


    Handout (see below) -- Sentence combining: use what you know about simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences to combine the 4 sentences (given) into one sentence of multiple clauses.  Google version of handout (hopefully formatted properly!) is  >> HERE <<  .  

    QUIZ: On Google Classroom there is a quiz for you to take regarding sentence types. It is due by 7:30 AM, so don't plan on doing it in class any time tomorrow!

    Also, your first ZZI.SH practice quiz is posted, so get your practice in!


    Sentence types quiz;

    Article: "Not-So-Fancy Feast": read article and respond to questions on Google Classroom;

    Paragraph about pets; 


    Handouts for the week:

  • Monday:

    Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: No School!


    Continue with clauses; Handout,  >> CLICK HERE <<  (updated soon!)


    Vocabulary Quiz; new vocab.;

    Review yesterday's handout;


    Read "Raymond's Run (see   >> HERE <<   for copy of story, can also be found in internet);

    Answer the following questions: 

    1. Find a quote that reveals something about Squeaky’s character. Write the quote, write what it reveals about Squeaky, and explain how the quote reveals this characteristic.

    2. Why do you think Squeaky is so focused on competing, on winning?

    3. What does Raymond do during the race?  What do his actions suggest to Squeaky?

    4. Why is the smile that Gretchen and Squeaky share at the end of the story not quite “real”?

    5. Explain the story’s last sentence.

    6. Is Squeaky a static or dynamic character? How do you know?

    7. List two or more possible themes of the short story, “Raymond’s Run.”


    Review of "Raymond's Run" on PearDeck (interactive slide show). Results will be recorded and graded!

    In-class writing:

    In a paragraph of 8-10 sentences, compare Squeaky and Raymond as they are portrayed in "Raymond's Run." Their differences are obvious: Squeaky is bright and quick-witted; Raymond is "not quite right." In what ways are they similar? Illustrate your points by citing details from the story. Due at end of class.


    Handouts for the week:


    >Check out books: Into Thin Air, in library

    Read introduction and Chapter One -- answer questions that cover these two sections:


    1. What reason does Krakauer (the author) give for why he was on Everest in the first place?

    2. What reason does he give for writing the book?

    Ch. 1:

    3. Explain Krakauer’s emotions as when he finally arrived atop Mt. Everest.

    4. What was the “alarming sight” Krakauer saw at the Hillary Step on his way back down the mountain? Why was this a problem? 

    5. What had Andy Harris done to Krakauer at the Hillary Step that caused serious problems for Krakauer?

    6. At the beginning of the book there is a section called “Dramatis Personae.” Find in that section the list of clients (paying customers) for the Adventure Consultants expedition. Write down the names of those clients.




    Vocabulary Quiz / New vocabulary; QUIZ 


    >Into Thin Air chapters 2-3 due today; Quiz over chapters 1-3;

    >Handout: The characters of Into Thin Air; due tomorrow.


    Into Thin Air chapters 4-5 due Monday!

    Survey: Log in to a Chromebook and take the following survey:


    >Handout" Adverbs

    Finish vocabulary and take practice quiz on

    As a reminder, your class codes are here:

    • period 1: rxc3820
    • period 2: frj8699
    • period 3: pfr6389
    • period 5: cev6929

    Character List handout from yesterday is due today;


    Handouts for the week:






    > Student Free Day -- No school for students! Enjoy your day off.


    > Flex Day

    Vocabulary Quiz / new vocabulary



    Handouts for the week:


    >President's Day, Part 1: No school today!


    > Periods 1-3: Into Thin Air introduction;

    > Periods 4-6: Bless Me Ultima introduction


    Vocabulary quiz / new vocabulary




    > Periods 1-3: Into Thin Air, Chapters 1-3 due today.

    > Periods 4-6: Bless Me, Ultima, Chapters 1-2 due today.


    Handouts for the week:


    Lincoln Day -- no school


    > Periods 1-3: Into Thin Air, Ch. 4-5 due today.

    > Periods 4-6: Bless Me Ultima, Ch. 3-5 due today.


    > Vocabulary Quiz / vocab words;


    > Group work:  >> SEE HERE <<  for explanation. This is using your sentences from yesterday's vocabulary quiz.

    Vocabulary sentences by period (click link):


    > Periods 1-3: Into Thin Air, Ch. 6-8 due today.

    > Periods 4-6: Bless Me Ultima, Ch. 6-9 due today.


    Handouts for the week:


    > Read "A & P," by John Updike. Tomorrow you will be writing about this story, or any other book, play, or short story you read this year or last year. The writing assignment tomorrow focuses on character, so after reading "A & P," answer the following questions (due today):

    1. List the characters, named and unnamed, who appear in the story.

    2. Decide whether the characters are round or flat characters, static or dynamic characters, and why.

    3. Think of reasons why the characters are significant in the story. The author included the characters for some reason. Try to think about why. It may be that they advance the story (plot), they represent some larger point (theme), or they serve to highlight or help us understand other characters. Or, maybe they do all three.


    > QHHS Sophomore Writing Sample -- in-class essay

    > (Reading assignments scheduled due today are moved to tomorrow.)


    > Period 1-3: Into Thin AirCh. 9-12 due today.

    > Periods 4-6: Bless Me, UltimaCh. 10, 11 due today.

    >Vocabulary quiz / new vocabulary


    > Periods 1-3: Handout for Into Thin Air, chapters 9-12  >> HERE <<  .

    > Periods 4-6: Handout for Bless Me, Ultima, chapters 10 & 11  >> HERE << .  Try ti stick to only to chapters 10 & 11, but in some cases that may not be possible. Find a quote that has significance to the story or to the development or understanding of a character. The quotes should be from that particular character.


    > Periods 1-3: Into Thin Air, Ch. 13-15 due today.

    > Periods 4-6: Bless Me, Ultima, Ch. 12, 13 due today.


    Handouts for the week:


    >Counselors in to hand out course selection sheets for next year; we will go to the library FRIDAY to register;


    >Periods 1-3: Into Thin Air, ch. 16-20 due today.

    > Periods 4-6: Bless Me, Ultima, Ch. 14 (only) due today.

    WEDNESDAY: -- this is a full day, with release time at 2:53 PM.

    > Vocabulary Quiz / new vocabulary;

    Vocabulary Puzzle, 


    Flex Day

    Active and Passive Voice: see PowerPoint below for notes;

    Handout: Active and Passive Voice -- see below.


    Registration in library; check in with me first, though!

    > Periods 1-3: Into Thin Air, Ch. 21, Epilogue, and Postscript all due today!

    > Periods 1-3: Writing assignment, due Monday:

    See the intro quote to Ch. 21 of Into Thin Air. On your own, read that quote over and discuss what it means (it's pretty straight forward) and discuss how that idea applies not only to Ch. 21, but to the entire story.

    Paper can be typed (double-spaced) or hand-written. Be thorough. Paper should be about 1+ pages.

    > Periods 4-6: Bless Me, Ultima, Ch. 15-18 due today!

    Periods 4-6: Writing assignment, due Monday: 


      Handouts for the week:

    • MONDAY:

      PERIODS 1-3:
      >Groups -- reviewing Into Thin Air

      For your groups (per person): due Thursday; you will present this as a group to your class. Think of this as a group review of your book. Plan out how you might like to present this to the class -- Discussion? Google Slideshow? Posterboards? Something different? It's up to you.

        • List 3 events as they pertain to Krakauer’s story
        • List 3 climbing / Everest / regional facts the book gives -- the "extra" info Krakauer includes in his book that is not about the 1996 tragedy on Everest. This might be background information on some of the climbers, history of Mt. Everest, life of a Sherpa, etc.
        • Come up with 1 GOOD multiple choice quiz question, and 1 open-ended question.
        • (Ex., M.C. Q: Mt. Everest straddles which two countries? A) India and Pakistan; B) Nepal and India; C) Nepal and China; D) China and India)
        • (Ex., O-E Q: What might Krakauer have done differently when Andy Harris told him there were no oxygen bottles available at the south summit?)

      Groups are as follows:

      PERIODS 4-6:

      Writing assignment: Bless Me, Ultima, Ch. 15-18: 

      Antonio states, “I felt sorry for him, and I felt bad that he was punished while I had been excused.” Explain the quote literally, and then explain how this mirrors Antonio’s questions about God. Cite specific examples. Paper should be about one page in length.

      Turn in last Friday's handout with your written response.

      Chapters 19-21 due Wednesday; Chapter 22 (last chapter!) due Friday.


      > More work on active / passive voice; these will appear on your weekly quiz, so study and ask questions!

      > With remaining time you may continue working on your group presentations / read your next chapters.


      > Vocabulary quiz / new vocabulary;

      > PERIODS 4 -6:

      Bless Me, Ultima, Chapters 19-21 due today;


      > Presentations -- you need to be here for credit! 


      PERIODS 1- 3:
      > Leftover presentations; if we are done, we will have the Multiple Choice test today for Into Thin Air. If presentations spill over to today and there is not enough time, then we will take the M.C. test Monday.

      >Bring your books today -- we will return them.

      PERIODS 4 - 6:

      Chapter 22 due today;


      Handouts for the week:













      Handouts for the week:
    • .



      Spring Break! No school




    • MONDAY:

      > . . .


      > . . .


      > . . . 


      > ALL assignments are posted to Google Classroom. The assignments for this week and next are all due Friday, April 10. Submit everything to Google Classroom or wherever else you are instructed to. 


      > ALL assignments are posted to Google Classroom. The assignments for this week and next are all due Friday, April 10. Submit everything to Google Classroom or wherever else you are instructed to. 


      Handouts for the week:

    • MONDAY:

      > ALL assignments are posted to Google Classroom. The assignments for this week and next are all due Friday, April 10. Submit everything to Google Classroom or wherever else you are instructed to. 


      > ALL assignments are posted to Google Classroom. The assignments for this week and next are all due Friday, April 10. Submit everything to Google Classroom or wherever else you are instructed to. 


      > ALL assignments are posted to Google Classroom. The assignments for this week and next are all due Friday, April 10. Submit everything to Google Classroom or wherever else you are instructed to. 


      > ALL assignments are posted to Google Classroom. The assignments for this week and next are all due Friday, April 10. Submit everything to Google Classroom or wherever else you are instructed to. 


      > ALL assignments are posted to Google Classroom. The assignments for this week and next are all due Friday, April 10. Submit everything to Google Classroom or wherever else you are instructed to. 


      Handouts for the week:

    • MONDAY:

      >Works Cited page -- see Google Classroom


      >Read the article below, or go  >> HERE <<  to read on Google.

      >Assign outline -- due Friday. I will discuss briefly today, and more on Thursday. This should be an outline based on your research about your topic, and with your thesis statement at the top. Outlines should be typed and handed in Friday.

      > Read the article below.


      Student-free day


      >Vocabulary quiz / new vocabulary;

      Review of outline -- see sample outline (below) for the article I had you read. This should be an outline based on your research about your topic, and with your thesis statement at the top. Outlines should be typed and handed in Friday.


      >Outline due today -- discussed Tuesday and reviewed Thursday. You will get your outlines back Monday.

      Assign: Introductory paragraph -- discussed in class. A few things that I went over in class:

       Thesis: High altitude climbers should always use bottled oxygen.

      • Start broadly / catch the reader’s attention: brainstorm

      Personal story – yours or someone else’s

      “Can’t catch my breath.”

      The thrill of accomplishment

      The need to conserve weight when climbing

      • Include some of what you researched, but in a broad sense (maybe some of the research that doesn’t fit into your paper):
      • Narrow to your thesis: dependent on which avenue you have taken to get here.
      • Finish introductory paragraph with your thesis statement.

      Use yesterday's cell phone article/essay as a model. Notice how it starts broadly and ends with the thesis (even though she really has two thesis statements). It is a "backwards" paragraph in that the one sentence you have already done is the last sentence of the paragraph, but you know that your paragraph needs to read as a flowing narrative from A → B, B → C, C → D, and D → E, where E is the thesis statement. So the difficulty is deciding what A, B, C, and D are, and how they must flow from one sentence to the next and end with E



      Handouts for the week:

    • MONDAY:


      Body paragraphs -- READ THIS to give you some help on these, although these should be the easiest paragraphs for you.




      >Vocabulary Quiz / new vocabulary;

      We will finish with yesterday's reading assignment if needed.



      Body paragraphs -- READ THIS to give you some help on these, although these should be the easiest paragraphs for you.




      Handouts for the week:

    • MONDAY: 




      Vocabulary quiz / new vocabulary


      > Revised outlines due today;

      > Building body paragraphs

      > DUE TOMORROW: Thesis statement with 3 topic sentences. NOTHING ELSE.

      > Here is the article I wanted to give you but couldn't print: >> CLICK HERE <<


      > Revised outlines returned; 

      > Body paragraph #1 due Monday. This is the only one I will collect before seeing your finished paper, so do a good job on it and make sure you have it today!


      Handouts for the week:

    • MONDAY:  

      Paragraphs due today. You will get these back sometime this week. When you get them back I will give you your final due date for the paper.


      >Using Quotes. There are notes on the PowerPoint (below) and Google Slides  >> HERE << . Using those notes, go to Google classroom and find your assignment. Read the article (I have cut it down to just two paragraphs for the purpose of this assignment) and, using it and the notes, respond to the questions on the Google Form. This is due in class today.


      Vocabulary Quiz / new vocabulary;

      Periods 1 and 2: Paragraphs returned.


      >Writing Introductions / Conclusions.


      >Works Cited page -- Noodle Tools Express  or  Easybib  are your best bets. We'll look at both of these.


      Handouts for the week:

    • MONDAY:

      >Presentations: A quick look into the 1950s: Holden Caulfield's world


        1. Setting: New York City
        2. School: public school
        3. School: prep / boarding school
        4. politics / world affairs*
        5. music
        6. movies
        7. technology
        8. family / home life

      Presentations will be due Thursday -- be here for credit!


      >Check out books: The Catcher in the Rye -- bring IDs and any books that need returning;

      Reading schedule:


      Vocabulary quiz / new vocabulary


      >PRESENTATIONS: New York City in the 1950's -- Holden Caulfield's world -- be here for credit!


      >Reading assignment #1 DUE TODAY: Chapters 1-3


      Handouts for the week:

    •  MONDAY:

      >Study guide, The Catcher in the Rye, Chapters 1-3 -- due today (see below for handout);


      >The Catcher in the Rye, Chapters 4-7 due today;

      Writing assignment:

      The Catcher in the Rye, Chapters 4-7

      Find a passage through chapter 7 of approximately ½ page to 1 page in length that you found particularly telling in some way in addressing who Holden is. Look for images or specific words or phrases that give you some insight into Holden. Think about where Holden is (physically) in the story he tells, but also where Holden is (mentally) as a narrator. Consider things like tone, foreshadowing, irony, or some other literary device that might help you in looking into and understanding the novel more deeply.

      Briefly paraphrase the passage first before giving your response. Use specific examples from the text.

      Chapters 8-11 due tomorrow.



      >Vocabulary Quiz / new vocabulary;

      >The Catcher in the Rye, Chapters 8-11 due today;


      >The Catcher in the Rye -- Review, Chapters 1-11. Turn these questions in today.

      1. Who is Holden Caulfield?

      2. What was Holden thinking about when he said the following: “I told him I was a real moron, and all that stuff. I told him how I would’ve done exactly the same thing if I’d been in his place, and how most people didn’t appreciate how tough it is being a teacher.”

      3. Why do Holden, Brossard, and Ackley not go to the movies after all?

      4. How did Allie die?

      5. How did Holden react to Allie’s death?

      6. Why is Holden so interested in what happened on Stradlater’s date?

      7. Why does Stradlater not like the composition Holden wrote for him?

      8. What doe Holden say when asked about whether he likes Pencey Prep?

      9. What excuse does Holden give to Mrs. Morrow for not being able to visit Ernest in the summer?

      10. What does Holden do when he reaches Penn Station?

      11. How does Holden know that the three girls at the next table are not from New York City?

      12. How does Holden describe the experience of dancing with Marty?

      13. What was it that made Jane Gallagher cry when she and Holden were playing checkers?

      Due tomorrow: Chapters 12-15. Expect QUIZ!


      >The Catcher in the Rye, Chapters 12-15 due today;

      Study guide for chapters 12-15 is on Google Classroom. Get them done and submitted.

      CITR chapters 16-18 due Monday.


      Handouts for the week:

    • Monday: 

      Memorial Day – no school


      >Poet Presentation -- See Google Classroom for details. Also, there is a form on Google Classroom to fill out. Have that done by the end of class today.


      >Vocabulary quiz (last one!);



      >Presentation schedules:

      Poets/Poems are  >> HERE << .  ( <-- I will activate the link after I have gone through all of your poems.)


      >Double-check your POET / POEM above. This is necessary.

      Book report option -- only for those who did an honest job on the research paper! -- is available on Google Classroom


    • Monday:



      > Presentations


      Finals: Periods 1 & 2 -- finish presentations


      Finals: Periods 3 & 5 -- finish presentations


      Finals: Periods 4 & 6