24 February - 1 March
Section outline
> Read "A & P," by John Updike. Tomorrow you will be writing about this story, or any other book, play, or short story you read this year or last year. The writing assignment tomorrow focuses on character, so after reading "A & P," answer the following questions (due today):1. List the characters, named and unnamed, who appear in the story.
2. Decide whether the characters are round or flat characters, static or dynamic characters, and why.
3. Think of reasons why the characters are significant in the story. The author included the characters for some reason. Try to think about why. It may be that they advance the story (plot), they represent some larger point (theme), or they serve to highlight or help us understand other characters. Or, maybe they do all three.
> QHHS Sophomore Writing Sample -- in-class essay
> (Reading assignments scheduled due today are moved to tomorrow.)
> Period 1-3: Into Thin Air, Ch. 9-12 due today.> Periods 4-6: Bless Me, Ultima, Ch. 10, 11 due today.>Vocabulary quiz / new vocabularyTHURSDAY:
> Periods 1-3: Handout for Into Thin Air, chapters 9-12 >> HERE << .
> Periods 4-6: Handout for Bless Me, Ultima, chapters 10 & 11 >> HERE << . Try ti stick to only to chapters 10 & 11, but in some cases that may not be possible. Find a quote that has significance to the story or to the development or understanding of a character. The quotes should be from that particular character.
> Periods 1-3: Into Thin Air, Ch. 13-15 due today.
> Periods 4-6: Bless Me, Ultima, Ch. 12, 13 due today.
Handouts for the week:
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