Section outline


    Veterans' Day -- no school

    veterans day


    >Prepositions handout  >> HERE <<

    >Preparing for Shakespeare -- Notes found  >> HERE << .  (will be linked after presentation given in class)


    > Vocabulary Quiz; new vocabulary;  New vocabulary  >> HERE << 

    >Finish Shakespeare notes from yesterday; 

    > Put into presentation groups; group presentations will begin this Friday.


    >Begin Julius Caesar, Act I, scene 1 (if you were absent, the play is readily found online); I have given a brief summary and a small glossary of terms  >> HERE << . (no link yet; will update this weekend);

    Questions for Act I scene 1 (due in class today):

    1. What "game" is the cobbler playing with Flavius and Marullus?

    2. According to Marullus, how had the commoners of Rome celebrated Pompey before Caesar?

    3. What do both Flavius and Marullus say the Roman citizens should do after hearing news of Caesar's victory?

    4. What do Flavius and Marullus go off to do at the end of Act I, scene 1, and why?  (They state a specific reason.)


    >Finish notes on reading Shakespeare (started Tuesday);

    > Groups -- you were placed in groups, with presentations due Tuesday. Group topics are as follows:

    Research Topics:

    1. William Shakespeare: his biography, including information specifically on his writing of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, such as critical reception, reasons for its creation, etc.

    2. How to read Shakespeare*

    3. The Globe Theater & Elizabethan drama

    4. Debate over who wrote Shakespeare’s plays

    5. Elizabethan culture, such as food, clothing, class structure, women’s roles, political climate, etc.

    6. Julius Caesar: his biography, and his place within the history of ancient Roman rulers

    7. Daily ancient Roman life & culture, such as food, clothing, social class structure, social norms, common types of employment, men’s and women’s roles, etc.

    8. Ancient Roman major holidays & traditions – include Lupercalia, the celebration taking place at the beginning of the play; Roman games & leisure, including gladiators; this groups can include Roman gods and where we “see” them today (planets, etc.)

    9. Ancient Roman weapons, war, & conquests; include the Roman empire, how it grew, how far-reaching it was at its apex, and how it declined and ultimately disappeared

    10. Ancient Roman government & law, on which our government today is modeled


    Handouts for the week: