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AP Government-Dr. Reti
Social Studies
GPA and SAT admissions quandries
GPA and SAT admissions quandries
Completion requirements
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GPA and SAT admissions quandries
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◄ Helpful guide to Writing Essays: paragraph structure, grammar, etc
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Cornell Notes Template
Helpful MLA site: OWL at Purdue MLA
Sample MLA style paper
Automatic Citation Generator--Reduces frustration!!
Format for debates
When you turn 18: a survival guide for teenagers
Earthquake Preparedness Guide from the Antelope Valley Press
Register to Vote--Electronically!
New York Times Headlines Email Link
College Planning Website from California Public University and College System
UC Personal Insight Questions: UC link
Cal State Apply Link
Link to advice about writing the application essay from the College Board
Helpful guide to Writing Essays: paragraph structure, grammar, etc
Concerns and Questions about College, 2018 class
Pre-register to Vote (if you are 16 or 17)
Cornell Note directions
Syllabus for Class
Debate Paper One
Debate 1: David Brooks article, One Nation, Indivisible? (copy) (copy)
Polarization in 2016: academic article (copy)
References for Debate Paper One: add to this page as needed and attach to paper (don't forget in-text citation as needed)
Selected Constitutional Slides-Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, adding amendments
Federalism PowerPoint
Slide about Grants
Debate Paper Two Reading
NY Times: Pro and Con: Do we need another war on poverty?
Assessing the 1996 Welfare Reform twenty years later
Debate Two PowerPoint Data Slides from Class
Can we trust the news media? Article
Debate Paper 4: Should voting be mandatory?
Congress How a Bill Becomes a Law
Debate Paper 5: Should the Presidency be the leading branch of government?
Smithsonian magazine article about TR and executive orders
Explanation of Executive Orders from the National Constitution Center
Concerns and Questions about College, 2018 class ►