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Social Studies
Kavanagh's APUSH
Period 5 1844-1877
Mexican American War Writing Prompt
Mexican American War Writing Prompt
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Mexican American War Writing Prompt
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◄ 2nd Quarter Extra Credit Opportunity
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Coach Kavanagh's AP US History Syllabus
AP U.S. History Syllabus - AP Course Outline and Guide
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APUSH 100 Point Scale
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Period 6 Lesson 1 - Republican Vision
Period 6 Lesson 2 - Transformation of the West
Period 6 Lesson 3 - Railroad Revolution
Period 6 Forum
Period 5 Lesson 1 - The Mexican-American War - Was it in the National Interest?
2nd Quarter Extra Credit Opportunity
Period 5 Lesson 2 - Compromise: Delay of a Crisis
Period 5 Lesson 3 - Fort Sumter and the Strategies, Goals and Advantages of the North and South
Period 5 Lesson 4 - Predictions and Reality
Period 5 Lesson 5 - Lincoln's Take on Slavery
Meet the 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments
Period 5 Lesson 6 - Political, Social and Economic Impacts of the War
North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction? Mini-DBQ and Writing Prompt
Period 5 Lesson 7 - The Lost Cause
Period 5 Forum
Practice SAQs Rewrite How-To
APUSH Period 4 Homework
Period 4 Lesson 1 – The Development of Political Parties in the New American Republic
Period 4 Lesson 2 - The Election of 1800
Marshall's Court Case Briefing Rubric
Period 4 Lesson 3 - The War of 1812
Period 4 Lesson 4 - The End of Homespun
Women in the Lowell System
Period 4 Lesson 5 - Antebellum South/Slavery in the South
Period 4 Lesson 6 - The Monroe Doctrine, the Election of 1824, and the Missouri Compromise
How Democratic was Andrew Jackson Writing Prompt
Period 4 Lesson 7 - A Nation of Drunkards
Period 4 Lesson 8 - Abolitionism
Period 4 Lesson 9 - Antebellum Women's Movement
Period 4 Forum
Mercantilism Review
Period 3 Lesson 1 - The Duel for America
Back to School Night Presentation
Period 3 Lesson 2 - The Last Word/How We Got Here
Period 3 Lesson 3 - Join or Die
The Declaration of Independence
1st Quarter Project
The SAQ - Your Guide to ACEing the SAQ
Period 3 Lesson 5 - The Losers of the American Revolution?
Period 3 Lesson 6 - The Constitution
Period 3 Lesson 7 - Jefferson vs. Hamilton
Period 3 Lesson 8 - First Administrations: Adams
Period 3 Forum
Coach Kavanagh's AP US History Syllabus
MyAP Website
Maryland Bone Activity
Enrolling in a Moodle Course
Period 2 Lesson 1 - The Puritans in New England
Period 2 Lesson 2 - Old World and New World Comparisons
Period 2 Lesson 3 - Indian Relations and Rebellions
Chapter 2 Lesson 4 - The Three Colonial Sections - More Similar or Different?
Chapter 2 Lesson 5 - For God and Country
Period 1 and Period 2 Multiple Choice Test - Preview
Khan Academy - Multiple Choice Example
Tom Richey's Multiple Choice Guide
Period 2 Lesson 6 - Origins of American Slavery
Period 2 Lesson 7 - The Enlightenment and Great Awakening
MyAP Multiple Choice Test Re-Grade
Period 1 and 2 Forum
Period 5 Lesson 2 - Compromise: Delay of a Crisis ►