Section outline


    • Monday August 12th - 

      1. Introductions
      2. Tent Name Cards
    • Tuesday August 13th ("flex day") - 

      1. 2nd Annual Royal Day

      1st Period - Expectations

      2nd Period - Respectful

      3rd Period - Unstoppable

      4th Period - Leaders

      5th Period - Engaged

    • Wednesday August 14th -

      1. Discuss and Review Syllabus - Returned syllabus due Monday
      2. Handout and work on U.S. Map - Label and color each state and capital; Due Friday; Test Friday
    • Thursday August 15th -

      1. Go over SmartBooks and work on Chapter 2 Lesson 1 SmartBook
      2. Work on US States Map - Due tomorrow, test tomorrow
    • Friday August 16th -

      1. Enroll in Moodle
      2. Work on:
      3. US States Map - Map due by the end of the period; Send a screenshot of your score 90% or better
      4. Chapter 2 Lesson 2 SmartBook
    • Monday August 19th -

      1. Returned syllabus due tonight by midnight 
      2. US State map test due tonight by midnight
      3. Settle the seating chart
      4. Enroll in Moodle
      5. Annotation Guided Notes and Practice
      6. HW - Period 2 Lesson 1 SmartBook due Sunday by midnight
    • Tuesday August 20th - ("flex day")

      1. Finish and collect Annotation Part 1
      2. Frederick Douglass Excerpt and Questions - Annotation part 2
      3. HW - Period 2 Lesson 1 SmartBook due Sunday by midnight
    • Wednesday August 21st -

      1. Finish and collect Annotation Part 2 - "Frederick Douglass" excerpt
      2. The Civil War - Predictions and Realities 
      3. HW - Period 2 Lesson 1 SmartBook due Sunday by midnight
    • Thursday August 22nd -

      1. 10 Days that Unexpectedly Changed America: Antietam
      2. Video Questions
      3. HW - Period 2 Lesson 1 SmartBook due Sunday by midnight
    • Friday August 23rd -

      1. Geography and History: Vicksburg and Gettysburg
      2. Share with me when you are done
      3. HW - Period 2 Lesson 1 SmartBook due Sunday by midnight
    • Monday August 26th -

      1. Chapter 2 Lesson 1 SmartBook was due Sunday by midnight
      2. Refer to the syllabus for directions on how to makeup the SmartBook once it closes online
      3. Read and annotate "The Emancipation Proclamation" or "The Gettysburg Address" and then share your information with a partner about your source
      4. The Presidents: Lincoln
      5. Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address
    • Tuesday August 27th ("flex day") -

      1. Meet the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments
    • Wednesday August 28th -

      1. Review the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments
      2. Civil War Battles Map
      3. Due by the end of the period
    • Thursday August 29th -

      1. The Lincoln Assassination
      2. Ken Burns: The Civil War: The Better Nature of Our Angels - Assassination
      3. Assign and work on Country Mouse/City Mouse
      4. Due by the end of the period tomorrow
    • Friday August 30th -

      1. Work on "Country Mouse/City Mouse"
      2. Due by the end of the period
    • This forum was created to encourage meaningful dialogue among the students enrolled in my U.S. History classes.  If you are struggling with some concepts pertaining to this unit  you may use this forum to ask questions.  Other students are encouraged to respond.  Keep in mind that I will be monitoring all the forum discussions so keep the discussions classroom appropriate and related to history please.