Section outline

  • Multiple experiments abound this week as we delve into our examination of research methods and experimentation. You will have already read the module, so we'll simply be supplementing what you've read with a few extra insights. Below, you will find a Ppt. lecture on Statistics that we will skim through. Take notes as you need (I will not be collecting these). Also attached is an electronic variation of the Module 2 information found in your Plotkin book.

    Also below you can find the directions for you project on Creating an Experiment (I will pass out hard copies of this also). Due on Thursday, Sept. 22, you are to present an experiment proposal only. We will, as a class undertake a much larger project in the coming weeks, which will involve seeing it all the way to fruition.

    Finally, since we are finishing the unit, you will be expected to take a practice test on your own. Schmoop is just not working out right now, so we're going with an alternative. The principle is the same; take the online test as many times as you need until you achieve an 85% or more. I'll explain in class where to go and what to do. Note: The review for the Unit One Test below may help, but was created for a different exam.