Section outline
>Counselors here to discuss registration for next year;
>Sentence types: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex;Homework assignment on Google ClassroomWEDNESDAY:
THURSDAY:University of Michigan survey; this will take most of the period;
2019 Book Approval list >> CLICK HERE << .
Flex Day> Vocabulary quiz / new vocabulary
> Reading logs discussed;
To library to complete registration for next year;
Friday Assignment: >>GO HERE<< and select a topic . . .Write a brief creative writing piece on ANY of the topics listed on the link above. Feel free to interpretthe topic in whatever way suits your creativity best! It might be a complete story done in one page,or a segment, like parts of a television show appearing between commercial breaks. Just be creative!Oh, and of course include at least one COMPLEX SENTENCE, at least one COMPOUND SENTENCE,and at least one COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE. You may have more than one of any of them,but select one of each, underline it, and label it. So, your finished product should have 3 (and only 3)sentences underlined.==================================================================================
Uploaded 21/02/17, 18:48
Uploaded 1/03/17, 07:31