Section outline


    The Catcher in the Rye -- Chapters 13-20 due today!!

    Class discussion

    In groups of 3 (or less fewer if numbers require), discuss one of the following NUMBERED topics (the bolded topics I will talk about first to everyone):

    * Who is Holden talking to?

    * Unreliable narrator

    * What do these say about Holden, or how do they help us understand Salinger’s message?


    1. (13) p. 90 – brief booze; + p. 93 – prostitute, nonchalant, nervous wreck

    2. (14) p. 98 – Allie, bicycles, Jesus, disciples

    3. (14) p. 103 – “shot,” movies

    4. (15) p. 108 – Dick Slagle and suitcases

    5. (15) p. 111 – Nuns, Romeo & Juliet

    6. (16) p. 115 – family with boy – 1st “catcher”

    7. (16) p. 120 – museum

    8. (17) p. 130 – Sally, future plans

    9. (18) p. 139 – movies & mean mommie

    10. (19) p. 148 – Carl Luce and psychoanalysis

    11. (20) p. 155 – Holden’s funeral; Allie’s grave

    You will talk about these with the class.


    >Finish discussion questions from Monday.


    “The Patterns of Your Mind”


    When Holden is visiting with Carl Luce, he says that his father is a psychoanalyst

    and can help him to “recognize the patterns of his mind.” What does this mean?

    Was Holden asking for Carl Luce’s company because he was lonely, or was there an

    ulterior motive?


    Pretend you are a psychoanalyst and Holden has come in for an appointment.

    Write down the notes you would take to help Holden “recognize the patterns of his

    mind.” Be sure to include what you think the patterns of Holden’s mind actually are.


    > 2018: PRESENTATION in Library -- put on by counselors, so I have no idea if this is all period or not.


    > The Catcher in the Rye Chapters 21-22 due tomorrow. 

    Disregard what is below. I don't want to delete this yet, but you don't have to do it.

    >POEMS due today -- you gave me the poet for your presentation; now I need the poem you will be reviewing for the presentation. Due in class today.


    These two poem assignments:

    These are BOTH due Monday, November 27 (That's the day we get back from Thanksgiving break!)

    Not yet:


    See below for poet, poem, and date of presentation. If you have any questions, ask immediately upon 

    return to school on Monday, November 28. I will not issue any last-minute change of plans. 

    If there is a mistake, let me know ASAP via email. I will check it periodically over the Thanksgiving break. 

    I will not do any last-minute changes, though. You had plenty of time to square this all away before now. 

    For some of you I had to assign poems since you never gave me a title.

    If the spreadsheet document will not open for you, contact a friend, or contact me. 

    No excuses for not being ready on your assigned date. Check, double-check, and triple-check 

    your scheduled date so that you are ready on time!


    Handouts for the week: