Section outline
Begin discussion of Life of Pi -- bring your books- Discuss homework from Friday
In class: Group work. In pairs you have been assigned a section of the first part of the book ("Toronto and Pondicherry"). With your section, exampne and present the following to the class:
- Summary
- Important quote, discussed
- Connect to something else in the book
- What does it mean? You read what happens in the story
(denotation). So, what does it mean (connotation)?
We will try to get through a few groups today; groups who do not present today in class will go tomorrow.
>Finish off presentations from yesterday.
>Life of Pi -- the Zoo.
“Dry, yeastless factuality”
Choose an animal mentioned in Life of Pi. For variety, you may not choose a tiger, and it should be an animal found in a zoo, so not cats, dogs, or goldfish. Chapter 8 has many different animals listed, so that would be a good place to start (although other chapters list animals, too).
Then, list what you know of that animal right now, without doing any research. Think of as many characteristics of that animal as you can: on which continents it can be found, in what environments, whether it lives a solitary life or whether it travels in groups, what it eats, and many other topics.
After you have written down whatever prior knowledge you have of the animal, begin investigating the animal with research. Look up and see whether or not you were right about that animal. Gather as much information as you can about that animal.
Next, get into groups of three, with each member of your group researching a different animal. Design a zoo. Plan out how you would map out where animals go, finding and explaining the logic to your pattern. Think of other things beyond just animal enclosures that would necessarily be in a zoo, and include those. This is not an invitation to look up a real zoo and copy its layout. Use your own logic and knowledge rather than copying what has already been done.
Your group will present your findings – the animals and the zoos – to the class in a format you feel comfortable in. This will be due Monday, August 21.
>Animal papers collected, returned.
Then, on the handout you got yesterday (the text of which is listed in yesterday's box), get into groups and finish the directions (last 2 paragraphs). This will be due Monday.
Focus on presentation and research.
for the presentation -- remember the things I told you about in class:
- No mere shoulder-to-shoulder
- No mere reading to audience
- Face the audience
- No “wall of words”
- Engage your audience
>Interpret Chapter 100 in Life of Pi. This is due in class today.
Then, you may have the remainder of class to work in groups. Remember, creating a Google Doc (or slide show, etc) and "sharing" it with everyone in your group is a good way to have access and better coordinate your presentation.
Don't do this yet:
Active and Passive Voice (see notes below);Practice sentences done in class (below);Homework (below) -- Do this worksheet as homework and turn in tomorrow.You may print the paper (which might be easier) or write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.For any passive voice sentence, rewrite into active voice. If the sentence is already active voice,no need to rewrite.For GoogleDocs version of homework assignment: >>CLICK HERE<<+ + + + + + +
Don't do this:
Written assignment, due Monday -- submit to Google Classroom:
Read the quote which heads chapter 9 of Into Thin Air. Think about what it says.Look up words you do not know, if necessary.Then, look at how that applies to both of your summer reading assignments,Into Thin Air and Life of Pi.Write a paper of appropriate length explaining how the idea of the quote applies to both novels.Papers are to be turned in to Google Classroom. I do not want hard copies.Most of you are enrolled already in my class. If you are not, here are the codes necessary to enroll:==================================================================================
Handouts for the week:-
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